Mike Weston
On air
6:00 AM - 10:00 AM
I started on the air at KPOF in the summer of 2023. It's one of my favorite jobs of all time!
I'm from a suburb of Boston, MA called “Braintree”. The home of John Quincy Adams, actually. When I was in college, I called a bunch of radio stations to see if anyone needed an intern. I found one that said yes and I was so excited. It turned out to be a Christian station, and I had just become a Christian about a month before. So God was working out all the details, as He always does.
My bride Donna will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary coming up this August. We have been friends for 45+ years! We met in high school but we were not high school "sweethearts", as it were. We really started hanging out together at the beginning of our college years. We have three adult sons. Two live in CA and one (the only one who is married), lives in VA. They all played soccer growing up and boy were they competitive with each other! We also have an adorable little Shiitzu "Phoenix" who we adopted in 2019. We did have a sweet Cocker Spaniel "Gracie" who passed away in the spring of 2023. She was 17! Not a day goes by that I don't think of her and miss her terribly. But we had a wonderful life with her. We adopted her when she was three.
One of the most significant events in our lives was when our middle son Ryan was diagnosed with severe heart defects, before he was even born. He had to have his first heart surgery at three days old. We were very fortunate to have a world-renowned cardiac surgeon at the time, Dr. Richard Jonas, who is retired now. What a prince among men. He gave Ry a 40% chance of surviving the surgery. Years later, Dr. Jonas told us he was being very generous at the time and that those odds were likely more in the 10% range. Ry has been through a lot of challenges, including four more heart surgeries, brain surgery and (still) chronic chest pain, but he is a testimony to God’s grace and is a joyful Christian. I think one of the things God has shown us over the years, with Ry, and with our other two boys who have also faced life threatening situations, is to try to be thankful for each day that we have with them and to try to cherish every moment. We don’t always do that well but hopefully we do it well, most of the time.
One of my favorite things about my work is that, every day, I get to share the truth of God, to the best of my abilities, and to share what is on my heart and what is going on in my life. I also love seeing the prayer requests that come into AM 910, KPOF and getting to pray for those requests and then, sometimes, hearing the praise reports that come afterward! Even when we don’t see those praise reports, I’m confident that God is working through the prayers of His people.
A fun fact about me, for those of you who are older and know who Frank Sinatra, the singer and actor, is that he was my second cousin. My mom’s maiden name was Sinatra. I never got to meet him but maybe part of my love for music, for singing and being a musician, didn’t fall too far from the proverbial tree! Both my mom and my dad sang on the radio back in the golden era of radio days when singers and big bands performed live in big radio studios. In fact, that’s how they met. It’s both ironic and special to me that, all these decades later, I am still in love with the power and joy of radio and get to be a part of a great radio station, every day.